Help protect Cambridge tenants from unfair evictions

MONDAY, March 4, at 5:30 pm, Cambridge City Council will vote on a policy order — sponsored by ABC-endorsed Councillors Siddiqui, Sobrinho-Wheeler, McGovern, and Azeem — to strengthen city resources for tenants facing eviction. Those resources include access to lawyers in eviction court, mediation services, and better notice to tenants of their rights and the resources available to them. Continue reading

ABC Members Meeting

A Better Cambridge invites all new and renewing members to discuss the new Cambridge City Council term and the important housing issues for us to tackle this term. Continue reading

2024 ABC Councillor Forums

Join us to hear from our ABC-endorsed City Councillors on their housing agenda for this term. Continue reading

Keep Lodging Houses Legal

This Wednesday (11/29) at 2 p.m. the City Council will have a hearing on a zoning petition filed by some residents to ban new or expanded lodging houses in the residential districts where they are currently allowed. The petition appears to be motivated by a proposed new lodging house on Garden Street near Harvard Square. Continue reading

Cambridge elects pro-housing City Council; ABC celebration next Thursday

ABC heartily congratulates the six ABC-endorsed candidates elected to the 2024-2025 City Council: challengers Jivan Sobrino-Wheeler and Ayesha Wilson will join incumbents Burhan Azeem, Marc McGovern, Sumbul Siddiqui, and Denise Simmons on a solidly pro-housing City Council! Voters made clear that housing remains the #1 issue facing Cambridge, and they expect action. Continue reading

ABC News, Oct 2023 🏘️ AHO expansion passes, election stakes, and more

The City Council passed the expansion to the 100% Affordable Housing Overlay (AHO) by a 6-3 vote on Monday, October 16. ABC thanks all those in the pro-housing community who took the time to write or testify in support, along with the six councillors who voted to make Cambridge more closely live up to its progressive ideals. This expansion is expected to add to our pipeline of affordable housing projects in the years to come. Continue reading

AHO expansion passes; ABC celebration on Wednesday

On Monday, October 16th, the City Council ordained amendments to the 100% Affordable Housing Overlay by a final vote of 6 to 3, marking a major win for housing affordability in Cambridge. This landmark zoning reform will allow more affordable homes to be built along transit hubs and corridors, which means that more of the 22+ thousand people on the Cambridge Housing Authority’s Can’t Wait List will get to call Cambridge home. Continue reading

One last push for the AHO amendments this coming Monday!

MONDAY, October 16, at 5:30 pm, the full City Council will take its final vote on the 100% Affordable Housing Overlay (AHO) amendments, a crucial tool for keeping a diverse city by meeting the housing needs of more of our low- and moderate-income residents. Continue reading

2023 City Council Endorsements

A Better Cambridge is proud to announce our endorsement of 9 pro-housing candidates for this November’s City Council elections. Please vote for all 9 in the order of your choice by November 7th! Continue reading

Important Monday City Council meeting on AHO Amendments and Tuesday ABC Candidate Forum

MONDAY, September 11, at 5:30 pm, the full City Council will vote on the 100% Affordable Housing Overlay (AHO) amendments, a crucial tool for keeping a diverse city by meeting the housing needs of more of our low- and moderate-income residents. Continue reading