ABC March Meeting: Join us to learn from MAPC about housing demand in our region
After years of decline, population in the Greater Boston region is growing and is expected to continue to grow for years to come. YIMBYs including A Better Cambridge believe that housing production is critical to provide affordable housing opportunities to families and renters across the income spectrum...but just how much new housing is needed to make an impact?Join ABC for our March general meeting as we hear from Tim Reardon, Data Services Director at the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) who has studied these questions. Tim will present MAPC's housing projections for Cambridge and Greater Boston to help us better understand the critical role that housing production plays as we seek to build a more diverse, affordable and sustainable city and region.
ABC March General Meeting
Tuesday, March 14th
6:30 P.M.
at the MIT Stata Center, Room 32-141
32 Vassar Street, Cambridge
We'll post signs at the Stata Center to direct attendees to the correct roomPlease RSVP to let us know you're planning to come.RSVP is not required, but will help us ensure the room can accommodate everyone.Remember, everyone is welcome at ABC general meetings.
ACTION ALERT: Tell City Council to vote YES on Central Square Restoration Petition
After months of advocacy by ABC and our supporters, the Cambridge City Council is now poised to approve the Central Square Restoration Petition at tonight's meeting.
I’m asking you to take two final actions to ensure this important petition passes:
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ACTION ALERT: Next Steps for More Housing in Central Square
Two weeks ago I asked you to take some important actions to help increase housing in Central Square. Now I need you to go a step further.
Please attend Thursday’s City Council Ordinance Committee and speak in favor of the Central Square Restoration Petition/Sater Petition:
Thursday, February 2nd3:00 P.M.City Council Sullivan ChambersCambridge City Hall
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ACTION ALERT: Act Now for More Housing in Central Square
We all know that Cambridge and Greater Boston face a housing affordability crisis.
Over the years, multiple planning studies and commissions have agreed: transit-accessible Central Square is the right place to create higher density communities that provide more housing for Cambridge families.
I need you to take three actions right now to ensure that Cambridge and Central Square remain on the path towards a more vibrant and affordable community.
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ABC January 2017 Newsletter: An Important Central Square Proposal and a YIMBY Social
A citizen’s petition to reform zoning in Central Square is slowly moving forward as the City Council referred the petition to the Ordinance Committee. The petition would be an important step in bringing more housing to the area along with other improvements.Cambridge Chronicle
The discussion over changes to Harvard Square including the possible closure of the Out of Town News kiosk was featured in the New York Times.NY Times
A Boston University annual survey of American mayors highlighted the increasing focus on poverty and inequality in cities across the country.Boston GlobeThe city is seeking volunteers for the new City Manager's Advisory Committee. The committee will consist of 12-15 volunteers and meet at least quarterly. Applications are due February 17th.City of Cambridge
ABC is hosting a strictly social meet up to bring together YIMBY activists across Greater Boston on Thursday, January 26th from 6:30-9:00 at Cambridge Brewing Company at One Kendall Square.RSVP HereThe first public meeting for Inman Square intersection improvements will take place on Tuesday, January 24th from 6-8 PM at Cambridge Hospital, 3rd Floor, 1493 Cambridge Street.
Yimby Nation: The Rise of America’s Pro-Housing Political Coalition
Buffalo Becomes First Major U.S. City to Eliminate Parking Minimums
Mass Ave. Winter Pop-Up Protected Bike Lane Survey
According to Smart Growth America, only three metro areas, Colorado Springs, Portland, ME, and Madison, were safer for pedestrians than Greater Boston.
Join our Greater Boston YIMBY Meet Up in Cambridge on Jan. 26th
From Cambridge to Roslindale, Newton to Jamaica Plain, points in between and beyond, local residents are coming together to say YES In My Back Yard (YIMBY) to more housing and sustainable development to address the housing affordability crisis in our region.This month ABC is devoting our regular Strictly Social event to bring together YIMBY activists from across Greater Boston. Whether you are affiliated with a YIMBY group in your community or not, we hope all pro-housing activists will join us to schmooze and make connections with like-minded smart growth warriors.
Thursday, January 26th6:30pm to 9:00pmat Cambridge Brewing CompanyOne Kendall Square(a short walk from Kendall Square T)
Please let us know if you can make it by RSVPing via our Facebook event. If you don't have a Facebook account you can RSVP on our website instead.All are welcome and we encourage you to bring a friend or two.I hope to see you on January 26th.
Happy Holidays from A Better Cambridge
On behalf of all the members and friends of A Better Cambridge, we want to wish you a very happy holiday season.
Although we face difficult times on the national and international stage, our resolve is now strengthened more than ever to fight for justice in our local community. We are lucky to live in Cambridge -- a community that understands that diversity is what makes us special and strong.
As we look to 2017, A Better Cambridge is excited to transition to a more formal membership model where our supporters will have the opportunity to actively influence the work and direction of the organization. We hope you'll join us in our effort to ensure Cambridge and Greater Boston retain their vibrant diversity by providing housing opportunities for all.
Again, happy holidays and we look forward to working with you next year.
Jesse Kanson-Benanav, Chair Pamela Thilo, Board Clerk Bill McAvinney, Treasurer Alec Papazian, Board Member Sam Seidel, Board Member
Please Support Victims of the Cambridge Fire
By now I'm sure you've heard of the devastating fire that impacted Cambridge's Wellington-Harrington neighborhood over the weekend. As we understand, over 60 families have been displaced. Among those neighbors displaced were residents living in St. Pat's Place, an 18-unit affordable housing development in the former Catholic church now owned by Just-A-Start Corporation. Our thoughts and prayers are with all the families impacted but the fire.While we are so lucky that no serious injuries or worse occurred as a result of this fire, we are devastated for the many families now made homeless. In the aftermath of this awful event, Cambridge Mayor Denise Simmons has established a Fire Relief Fund to assist those families impacted. I hope you'll give generously to help our neighbors in this difficult time -- but donations in any amount will be useful: this time, the City of Cambridge and Red Cross are asking people not to make physical/material donations of food, clothing, blankets, etc. If you wish to make donations of Target or all-purpose gift cards I understand that those will be accepted in the Mayor's Office at City Hall.Thank you for supporting our neighbors in need.
ACTION ALERT: Support the Central Square Restoration Petition
A few weeks ago I was excited to join with over a hundred other neighbors from in and around the Central Square area to add my name as a signatory to the Central Square Restoration Petition (CSRP). Primarily sponsored by Nabil Sater, longtime Cambridge resident and owner of the historic Middle East Restaurant and Nightclub, this zoning amendment would implement a number of changes that I believe will help strengthen and expand Central Square as a vibrant and diverse mixed-use district while allowing for new, desperately needed housing development in this transportation-rich neighborhood.
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ABC October Newsletter: Early Voting and Housing Guidance from the White House
Don’t forget election day is November 8th, but early voting started on October 24th. See the below link for information on poll locations and times.
Early voting begins October 24th at five locations around the city.City of Cambridge
Envision Cambridge is seeking volunteers for four Working Groups on the following topics: Housing, Climate and Environment, Economy, and Mobility. Applications are due November 18th.Envision Cambridge
The Obama Administration released a white paper on the negative consequences of restrictive zoning including increased inequality, lower economic growth, and segregation. The paper outlines policies that communities can take to increase housing production.White House Housing Development ToolkitSlate: The White House Is Finally Targeting the NIMBY Nonsense That’s Made Cities Unaffordable
The Boston Globe published an editorial on the subject of Obama’s housing push that cites the proposed downzoning of Riverside as a prime example of excessive local regulation.Boston Globe: Obama’s YIMBY Moment
The next ABC general meeting will take place on Wednesday, November 16th at 7 pm. The location is TBD.
The Cambridge Historical Society is hosting the second part of a three part symposium on housing in Cambridge. The event titled, "What have been the successes & failures of affordable housing planning & activism?" takes place on Thursday, October 27th from 6 pm to 8 pm at the Cambridge Community Center. Register HereMagazine Beach Park Cleanup will take place on Saturday, November 12 from 9 am to noon. Gather sticks, rake leaves, pick up trash. Prepare the park for the winter. To sign up contact [email protected]
Why (and How) Localities Should Say Yes to Housing
More Developers Kick Parking Lots to the Curb
Most Americans Are Worried About Losing Their Housing
The total assessed value of all residential property in Cambridge is $24.5 billion.