Learn about MIT's Volpe Development at ABC July General Meeting
This week MIT submitted a zoning petition for their major redevelopment of the Volpe site in Kendall Square. Their proposal includes up to 1,400 housing units, a focus on locally-owned retail, and potentially the tallest residential building in Cambridge.
We invite you to hear from and ask questions of MIT representatives about their proposed development at the next ABC General Meeting:
ABC July General Meeting
Monday, July 17th
6:30 P.M.
MIT Stata Center
Room 32-144
We will post signs at the Stata Center to direct attendees to the correct room
Let us know if you can make the meeting by RSVPing!
While RSVP is not required, it will ensure we can accommodate everyone in the room
ABC is intrigued by the development plans and have some questions we’d like to explore. Given our serious housing shortage, is 1,400 units all this site can handle? Should MIT be building grad student housing there? How much parking is included, and will it too much given the development’s proximity to the Kendall T stop?
We are also excited to be joined by a representative of Citizens for a North South Rail Link to learn about their campaign to build an efficient and integrated regional rail network by connecting North and South Stations in Boston. ABC believes that building a diverse and affordable region means creating more homes and increasing mobility for all residents, so we look forward to this discussion.
NEW DATE: Exploring Housing Demand in Cambridge & Greater Boston with MAPC
UPDATE: Please click here to view slides from Tim Reardon's presentation.
I am happy to announce that ABC has secured a new date for our March ABC meeting that was postponed due to Tuesday's snow storm. Note that the time and location remain the same:
Exploring Housing Demand in Cambridge & Greater Boston with MAPC's Tim Reardon
Tuesday, March 28th
Please RSVP to let us know you're planning to come.
RSVP is not required, but will help us ensure the room can accommodate everyone.
As MAPC detailed in regional housing projections issued in 2015, demand for housing across our region expected to grow significantly over the next 25 years. This demand is due not just to new residents moving into our region, but also changing housing preferences of many families already living here, including aging baby boomers looking to downsize from suburban homes into more urban areas near public transportation, services, and amenities.
YIMBYs including A Better Cambridge believe that housing production is critical to provide affordable housing opportunities to families and renters across the income spectrum...but just how much new housing is needed to make an impact? Join us for an insightful presentation to help us better understand housing demand in our community the critical role that housing production plays as we seek to build a more diverse, affordable and sustainable city and region.
Please note that everyone is welcome at ABC general meetings.