NIMBYs at the hearing

NIMBY’s at the Hearing - The Demographics & Power of Public Comment

Wednesday, November 28th at 6:30 PM
Cambridge Citywide Senior Center - 806 Massachusetts Ave in Central Square

Anyone who has been to a planning or zoning meeting isn’t surprised to hear that a new study shows that the people who participate in public comment tend to be older, whiter, and wealthier than the community they live in. They also tend to be home-owning and overwhelmingly more likely to be against new housing.


Why is this and what is the impact on the community at large? What strategies can pro-housing activists do to counteract this imbalance and how can municipalities attract more diverse participation?


Join ABC for a presentation and conversation with Katherine Levine Einstein, Maxwell Palmer, and David Glick, authors of the study and political scientists associated with Boston University’s Initiative on Cities, followed by a community conversation and questions and answer session.


To read the study, Who Participates in Local Government? Evidence from Meeting Minutes, go to:

  • November 28, 2018 at 6:30pm – 8:30pm
  • Cambridge Citywide Senior Center
    806 Massachusetts Ave
    Cambridge, MA 02139
    United States
    Google map and directions
  • 29 people are going
  • Pamela Thilo
Rushil Shah Lauren Curry Owen Barron Andrew Criscione Mynor Perez Hugh Bluestone Mandana Moshtaghi Pamela Thilo Bryan Doran Sharon Fosbury Michael Cusick Ben O'Brien Alexandra Markiewicz Paul Fallon Matthew Robare Eugenia Schraa James Perrine Carolyn Fuller Bob Woodbury Francis Goyes

Will you come?