ABC July Newsletter: Candidates Register as Volpe Center Discussion Continues

July brings the announcements for candidates for City Council and School Committee. As of July 13th, 25 candidates for City Council and 12 School Committee candidates have filed papers. Below please find the July ABC Newsletter.


The City Council and Planning Board held a joint meeting at the end of June to discuss zoning changes for the Volpe Center site in Kendall Square. This is a complex situation involving the federal government as well as private developers. Meetings will continue throughout the summer.
Cambridge Chronicle

The Boston Globe reported on rising prices for office space in Greater Boston. Commercial rents in Kendall Square are averaging above $70 per square foot. There was also a report on housing permits in Boston in the first half of 2015. Around 43% of the permitted 2,461 units fall into either the affordable housing category, for low-income residents, or will be priced as middle-class units.
Boston Globe 07.07.15
Boston Globe 07.08.15

People often ask A Better Cambridge to explain the affordable housing and development-related terms we regularly use. This guide, written by Matthew Yglesias, former Cantabrigian and author of The Rent Is Too Damn High: What To Do About It, And Why It Matters More Than You Think, provides a concise and useful primer on affordable housing, zoning, development, and more.
Affordable Housing Explained


The next A Better Cambridge general meeting will take place on Wednesday, August 12th at 7 pm. Location TBD.

The Ordinance Committee will conduct a public hearing to discuss a proposed amendment to the Municipal Code by adding a new chapter entitled Open Data Ordinance today, July 15th at 5:30 pm.
City of Cambridge

On Monday, July 27th at 5:30 pm, the three consultant teams selected to interview for the upcoming citywide planning process will present to the public on their teams and overall project approaches including answering questions.

The City's Broadband Task Force, charged developing options for cheaper and faster Internet in Cambridge will be meeting on Thursday, July 30th at 6 pm, in City Hall.

Family movie screenings will be taking place at parks around the city on Wednesday nights through July and August.
Screen on the Green



According to 2013 Census Data, 13% of Cambridge households have no internet access at all.