As the year ends Cambridge announces the results of the most recent round of participatory budgeting while the state takes a hard look at the Green Line extension.
DEVELOPMENT UPDATESThe city announced the results on how to spend $600,000 as voted on by residents. Bike infrastructure and transit signal prioritization for the No. 1 bus were the main recipients of the funds. The state has begun the process of reevaluating the Green Line extension including cancelling current contracts. It is likely that the project will be scaled down significantly or possibly even cancelled due to cost concerns. Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies issued its annual report on the rental market. The report outlines the significant challenge in the rental market including lack of supply and increasing costs. Boston announced plans to double the affordable housing payments for developers in some neighborhoods. |
UPCOMING EVENTSThe Cambridge Winter Farmers Market opens on Saturday, January 9th at the Cambridge Community Center. The Cambridge MLK Day of Service will take place on Monday, January 18th from 2-5 pm in Central Square. LINKS OF INTEREST |
DID YOU KNOW?Western Avenue was named as America’s best new bike lane for 2015 by the group People for Bikes. |