New proposals on a state and local level to increase affordable housing are on the table which will drive discussion over the coming months.
DEVELOPMENT UPDATESA long awaited inclusionary housing study was completed with recommendations to raise the affordable housing requirement for new developments. This is just the first step in a long process over the coming months in deciding what the new policy will be. A bill by state legislator Kevin Honan would require cities and towns to designate areas where multi-family housing is allowed as-of-right in addition to other policies to encourage the production of housing across the region. This would be an incredibly important policy change to help solve the regional housing crisis. There are signs that new housing coming on the market in the region is causing rent increases to slow, though the market still remains one of the most expensive in the country. Cambridge earned the highest ranking in a survey of sustainability by STAR Communities. |
UPCOMING EVENTSThe next A Better Cambridge general meeting will take place on Tuesday, May 17th at 7 pm at CCTV at 438 Mass. Ave. A public meeting on the Green Line Extension will be held on Wednesday, April 27th from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm at St. Anthony’s Parish Hall. 400 Cardinal Medeiros Avenue. Applications for the Cambridge PARK(ing) Day event to be held in September are due on May 1st. LINKS OF INTEREST |
DID YOU KNOW?According to the Federal Housing Agency and CommonWealth magazine, Massachusetts home prices have increased sevenfold since 1980 -- more than any other state.