Thank you for joining A Better Cambridge! We're a volunteer organization that runs on the energy of our members. If you're interested in engaging more with ABC, we have a few opt-in subgroups that you can sign up for and some work groups you can express interest in joining. For the work groups, you're only expressing interest, not committing. One of us will reach out to talk with you about the details of volunteering.
"Active ABCers" Google Group - Our high-traffic email discussion group, for discussing and debating policy ideas, tracking project progress, and sharing links with one another.
Slack - We also have a Slack workspace, for those who prefer chat-based protocols to email.
Book Club - We have a reading group about housing policy and other urbanist topics. You'll receive our Book Club emails.
You don't need to sign up for any of these things; our regular member emails and Action Alerts will contain high-level updates about our work and what's going on around Cambridge, including meeting announcements.
Work Groups
Newsletter - Write or do research for our newsletter.
Events - Help plan, organize, and put on our events.
Website & Graphics - Help our website (on Nationbuilder) stay current by writing, creating graphics, organizing pages, etc.
Data Maintenance - Help maintain our wide ranging data collection in both Nationbuilder and Google Docs, Sheets, & Forms
Ending Exclusionary Zoning - Join a group working to end exclusionary data in Cambridge
Tenant Protections - Join a group working to extend protections of tenants in Cambridge
Outreach - Welcome new members to ABC and work on increasing the diversity of our membership
Budget - Each January work on creating options for ABC's budget for the year and present those to our Steering Committee
Select your preferences
and your volunteer interests below.