Join us this Tuesday, December 3 at 7 pm for an evening celebrating the future of multifamily housing in Cambridge! Enjoy some refreshments, meet our endorsed City Councillors and your neighbors, and learn how you can help end exclusionary zoning and housing scarcity in Cambridge.
The Ordinance Committee will be holding the first of two hearings on Wednesday, December 4 (see below) to discuss zoning changes to allow six-story housing city-wide, and you can sign up to give public comment and get talking points at our Multifamily Housing Social!
Sign up here to join us Tuesday at Sonia, 10 Brookline Street in Central Square. Appetizers and a free drink will be provided.
Next, please email and sign up to give public comment in support of more homes to address our housing shortage and lower rents. The small group of vocal housing opponents will show up—we need everybody who finds unacceptable the status quo of housing scarcity and unaffordability to weigh in, particularly renters who make up 2/3 of Cambridge residents!
2:30 pm, Wednesday, December 4 Ordinance Committee Hearing
- Sign up Monday to give public comment via Zoom.
- Review the Agenda Summary.
- Email your support to the City Council - [email protected] (cc the City Clerk - [email protected] and bcc us - [email protected]).
We could use your help in a few more ways as well:
- Forward this email to your friends and neighbors and invite them as well!
- Join ABC as a Member
- Help us defray event costs by donating to ABC!
- Reply to this email to sign up to volunteer at the event!
Thank you to our co-sponsor Abundant Housing Massachusetts for their help and support—please consider joining AHMA as well!
Check out the 2024 Resident Opinion Survey, where Cantabrigians again ranked housing affordability as by far the most important issue Cambridge faces, with both housing affordability measures garnering the highest percentages of “extremely important” ratings (66% for market-rate housing and 61% for subsidized housing).
You can see the survey results personified in the heartfelt views of local residents expressed in these articles:
Housing density will help us foster a more vibrant Cambridge (Cambridge Day)
‘Soul-Sucking’ Housing Costs (Harvard Crimson)
Finally, we have put together a page with Frequently Asked Questions that has much more information. Please share widely!
Thank you for all your support and can't wait to see you Tuesday at Sonia!