Two weeks ago I asked you to take some important actions to help increase housing in Central Square. Now I need you to go a step further.
Please attend Thursday’s City Council Ordinance Committee and speak in favor of the Central Square Restoration Petition/Sater Petition:
Thursday, February 2nd
3:00 P.M.
City Council Sullivan Chambers
Cambridge City Hall
After receiving many emails from ABC members and supporters, the City Council Ordinance Committee decided to schedule a second hearing before this important petition expires. If adopted, this zoning change would spur further revitalization in Central Square, allowing between 1000 to 2000 new housing units and help to strengthen local businesses.
I know that a 3:00 P.M. hearing on a Thursday afternoon is not ideal for many folks. I am disappointed that the Ordinance Committee would schedule a workday time for a hearing on an issue with much public support. If you have the flexibility to attend the hearing on Thursday, speaking in person will be the most effective way you can advocate for this petition. Please shoot me an email to let me know if you plan to attend.
If you are not able to attend, or to reinforce your message of support, I would encourage you send an email addressed to Ordinance Committee Co-Chairs, Councilor Carlone and Councilor Cheung. A brief note would be great, indicating your support for the Central Square Restoration Petition/Sater Petition, and encouraging the committee to swiftly send a positive recommendation to the full City Council for adoption. Please click here for more info on why ABC supports this petition.
Reach Councilors Carlone, Cheung, and the other 7 City Council members at [email protected]
Be sure to copy the city clerk so your note is included in the public record: [email protected]
- Please also send me a copy of your email so that I know that ABC supporters are communicating with the council.
- Thanks to your advocacy, last week the Planning Board granted a special permit for the Mass & Main development. Construction will begin this summer on a vibrant new mixed-use community for Central Square, including 270 housing units with an unprecedented 50+ low- and middle-income units.
- The proposed downzoning which would have threatened the ability of the Mass & Main project to proceed was not well received by the City Council. Given that the special permit has now been granted, we do not expect the downzoning to survive for very long. Thanks for speaking out!
- It was great to see over 60 pro-housing advocates at ABC's Greater Boston YIMBY meet up held at Cambridge Brewing Company last week. We're glad such a strong network has emerged to fight for more housing across our region. Please check out photos from the event on our Facebook page.