There are two important events coming up next week that I want to make sure you’re aware of:
- Monday, April 2 at 5:30 PM: Fresh Pond development moratorium at City Council
The City Council is considering a proposed moratorium on new development in the Alewife/Fresh Pond area. A moratorium on all development at Alewife is a moratorium on affordable housing, a moratorium on transit oriented development, and a moratorium on an ecologically responsible future.
ABC opposes the proposed moratorium. Visit the ABC website to read our full statement on the issue.
Can I count on you to attend Monday’s council meeting to speak against the moratorium? Emails in opposition before Monday’s meeting are helpful as well. Click here or read below for details on how to take action.
- Wednesday, April 4 at 6:30 PM: ABC Strictly Social Meet-Up at Alewife
While we’re on the topic of Alewife, next week we’ll be in the neighborhood for our first Strictly Social of the year! We’re heading over to the Bertucci’s at Alewife Station to chat with some great people over drinks and pizza. For more information or to RSVP visit our Facebook event page. You can also RSVP on our website if you don’t have a Facebook account.
Info about the proposed Fresh Pond moratorium
A moratorium on all development at Alewife is a moratorium on affordable housing, a moratorium on transit oriented development, and a moratorium on an ecologically responsible future. It is fundamentally out of step with Cambridge values. Proposals for housing moratoria are often discussed or adopted in surrounding suburban cities and towns, and for the same reasons forwarded in this letter. We join suburbs like Brookline, Newton, Marlborough, Pembroke, among many others as part of the moratorium discussion. Cambridge has been a leader in progressive solutions to affordable housing, the environment, and transit, and we cannot set a precedent by turning our backs on that legacy.
Click here to read ABC’s full statement on the issue.
- Attend city council on Monday, April 2nd, 5:30 PM at Cambridge City Hall and speak out against the moratorium
Members of the public are allowed three minutes to address the city council on agenda items. We expect moratorium supporters to come out in big numbers so we hope you’ll come out to say yes to transit-oriented affordable housing and a more sustainable future for Alewife!
- SIGN UP FOR PUBLIC COMMENT ONLINE - Click here to access the city council’s public comment sign up form (form is accessible beginning 9am on Friday morning)
- Alternatively, beginning at 9:00 AM on Monday you can call the city council office to sign up: 617-349-4280.
- Please also shoot me a quick email ([email protected]) or just respond to this message to let me know if you can attend on Monday.
Given the expected turnout on both sides of this issue it’s best to sign up for public comment as early as possible! However, you can sign up in person at the beginning of Monday’s council meeting, but by then you’ll be far down the list.
- Email the City Councillors before Monday’s meeting to express your opposition to the proposed moratorium
This is especially important if you cannot attend Monday’s city council meeting in person.
- Use [email protected] to reach all nine city councillors at once
- Include the city clerk to make sure your comments are included in the public testimony for Monday’s meeting: [email protected]
- Please also CC me ([email protected]) so we know that ABC members and supporters are reaching out!
Feel free to use ABC’s statement of opposition to the moratorium as a reference or guide as you craft your own public testimony on this issue. However, try not to just repeat what we’ve written - comments that include personal stories will resonate the most with city councillors.
Do you struggle to afford the cost of housing in Cambridge and how do you believe further limits on affordable housing will impact your ability to stay here? Why is it important to you to live near public transit and do you believe more people should have that opportunity? Why do you appreciate living in an urban community like Cambridge instead of more suburban places like Newton? Answering these and similar questions in your testimony will help add a critical personal element to your testimony.