Before you head out for what looks to be a beautiful weekend, I wanted to send you a quick reminder about Tuesday's ABC meeting:
As I mentioned in my email earlier in the week, we'll be hearing from Twining Properties about their updated plans for the development at Mass & Main in Central Square.
In addition to the Mass & Main update, I'm looking forward to tell you about my experience at YIMBY2016, the first North American conference of group and individuals from around the country saying Yes In My Back Yard! to more housing and sustainable development in our cities. The conference brought together activists from many cities that are facing similar housing affordability crises to us in Cambridge/Boston. Together we brainstormed ways to build a movement supporting the creation of abundant housing for people of all income levels as a way to make our cities more affordable, integrated, and sustainable. On Tuesday, I'll share a recap of the conference including my takeaways and what the implications are for our work in Cambridge and across the Boston region. I hope you can join!
Please visit our website to RSVP and let us know you'll be coming. This meeting is open to everyone, even if you've never attended an ABC meeting before.
Please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions. I hope you see you on June 28th.