Join us to hear from our ABC-endorsed City Councillors on their housing agenda for this term.
Housing affordability continues to be the number one concern of Cambridge residents. Rent is too high, people are leaving the city, and more housing needs to be built—in every neighborhood. Backed by ABC, the Cambridge City Council has already introduced and passed a tenant protection and resources policy order!
What other plans do our ABC-endorsed Councillors have to address these issues?
A Better Cambridge (ABC) will host two separate Zoom webinars featuring our six pro-housing City Councillors (three each session) as they discuss their ideas and planned actions to make housing more available and affordable to all.
Session 1: Wednesday, April 3, 8-9pm will feature Mayor E. Denise Simmons, Councillor Burhan Azeem and Councillor Ayesha Wilson.
Session 2 Thursday, April 11, 7-8pm will feature Vice Mayor Marc McGovern, Councillor Sumbul Siddiqui and Councillor Jivan Sobrinho-Wheeler.
Please register for both Session 1, and Session 2. We worked hard to elect pro-housing councillors. This is your chance to hear from them firsthand about their plans to address our housing crisis.
If you would like to suggest a question or topic, please submit it here or enter it in the chat at the Zoom meetings
Please forward this email to your friends and neighbors!