Frantz Pierre

What is your personal experience of housing in Cambridge and how has that affected your decision to run for city council? Do you rent or own? Have you ever lived in public or subsidized housing?

Yes I’m currently living in a subsidized unit. I grow up on section 8. I also worked at a Housing Specialists and a Care Coordinator for the elder saving them from evictions. Yes it has a huge impacted on me running for office. I believe a lot of family are dealing with similar issue with housing such as rent adjustments and not feeling comfortable speaking with housing due to lack of communication.

As City Councillor, what would be your top priorities to address our housing crisis?

I believe we need brand new equity program which will help the community grow income which would help the family growth and generations to come.

As Councillor, will you champion efforts to end exclusionary zoning in Cambridge by reforming the zoning code to allow, at minimum, four-story multi-family housing by right in all Cambridge neighborhoods?

Yes. Yes,

If it promotes segregation and affecting the cost of living we must change the zoning codes.

In conjunction with direct support for affordable housing and inclusionary zoning requirements, do you believe that new market-rate housing development is a key pillar in making Cambridge an affordable city?

Generally Yes. Yes I agree we have to change and be more flexible to fix the problem ms we face today.

Do you believe Cambridge should go further to promote transit-oriented housing development, such as allowing greater height and density within walking distance of MBTA stations?

Generally Yes. I think it could be beneficial but it’s almost impossible to get a 3 to 4 bedroom apartment in the city. So I think that affecting family’s in a major way.

Do you support the proposed Alewife overlay district?

Generally Yes

Do you support also rezoning the Fresh Pond shopping center?

Generally Yes. Yes I believe it needs to be updated with the possibility for Cambridge resident to open up business in the community.

Do you support the proposal to expand the Affordable Housing Overlay to allow more height for 100% affordable housing development in major squares (15 stories) and corridors (12 stories)?

Yes. I believe this will effect the elderly in a positive way.

Do you support further increasing city funding for affordable housing to 10% of the City budget?

Yes. Yea sound like a great idea to support the community.

How can Cambridge better protect tenants against displacement?

I believe rent control would assist in that matter

ABC has repeatedly supported state legislation enabling cities to better protect tenants. Do you support such legislation?


If something like it passed, what kind of city tenant protections would you favor? Would you support any kind of rent stabilization, such as the petition from Mayor Wu, which would cap rent increases at a maximum of 10% while exempting new construction, along with requiring just cause for eviction?

I believe rent control would help the whole community and not just some.

Do you believe we have a climate obligation to pursue greater density city-wide and allow more people to live here?

Generally Yes. I believe as a whole we should work on building a safer and cleaner environment.

Do you favor an at-large system over a ward-based system?

Generally Yes. I’m open to it

The City Council is currently considering NCD reforms which would increase diversity on boards and commissions, amplify the voices of renters, exempt affordable housing, and enforce term limits. Do you believe these bodies need reform generally?


Do you support the proposed NCD reforms specifically?

Yes. Yes because I believe the community ain’t being heard

Would you support combining the City’s housing functions in a new Housing Department headed by a new Assistant City Manager, or is there an alternative approach to organization / staffing you would support? How specifically would you hold the City Manager and city staff accountable for meeting housing goals?

100 percent.

Do you have anything else you’d like to highlight about your candidacy?