We still need you to take action by tomorrow and tell the City Council you support Policy Order 15, an order by Mayor Maher, Vice Mayor Benzan, and Councilor McGovern on the issue of a Master Plan in Cambridge.
A Better Cambridge supports strong, community based urban planning that helps us build housing now in Cambridge. We believe that the Maher/Benzan/McGovern policy order is most appropriate because it initiates a planning process facilitated by the professional staff of the Cambridge Community Development Department.
- Email the City Council to indicate your support for Policy Order 15. ABC has drafted this sample letter as well as these talking points to help you craft your message, though personal comments to the Councilors are always most effective.
- Attend Monday's City Council meeting (4/7 @ 5:30 P.M. in City Hall) and speak in favor of Policy Order 15. This meeting will be packed so call the City Council office (617-349-4280) beginning at 8:30 A.M. on Monday to get your name on the list early.
- Forward this email and ask your family/friends in Cambridge to take action. Also, retweet and re-post our social media messages: @ABetterCambMA and fb.com/ABetterCambridge.
- RSV to attend the next ABC general meeting (Wednesday, 4/9, 7:00 P.M. at CCTV - 438 Mass Ave) to hear about the next steps in this effort and important new opportunities to help build a more diverse and livable Cambridge.
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