Join our Greater Boston YIMBY Meet Up in Cambridge on Jan. 26th

From Cambridge to Roslindale, Newton to Jamaica Plain, points in between and beyond, local residents are coming together to say YES In My Back Yard (YIMBY) to more housing and sustainable development to address the housing affordability crisis in our region.

This month ABC is devoting our regular Strictly Social event to bring together YIMBY activists from across Greater Boston. Whether you are affiliated with a YIMBY group in your community or not, we hope all pro-housing activists will join us to schmooze and make connections with like-minded smart growth warriors.

Thursday, January 26th
6:30pm to 9:00pm
at Cambridge Brewing Company
One Kendall Square
(a short walk from Kendall Square T)

Please let us know if you can make it by RSVPing via our Facebook event. If you don't have a Facebook account you can RSVP on our website instead.

All are welcome and we encourage you to bring a friend or two.

I hope to see you on January 26th.